Harald Kosik, piano
Eszter Haffner, violin
Hannes Gradwohl, cello
The Haydn Piano Trio was founded on initiative of pianist Harald Kosik who was born and raised in the Haydn-city of Eisenstadt. From 1992 until 2010 Kosik was artistic director of the Haydn Trio Eisenstadt and was thereby responsible for all projects and creative developments of the ensemble.
Harald Kosik has been forming the Haydn
Piano Trio together with violinist Eszter Haffner and Hannes Gradwohl, just as Kosik a native
of Eisenstadt and founding member of the Haydn Trio Eisenstadt.
Committed to its name and its origin
the Haydn Piano Trios focuses on the oevre of Joseph Haydn and his contemporaries.
Another emphasis of the ensemble lies in commissioning and interpreting contemporary music. Harald Kosik herein pursues the intensive collaboration with composers and artists of other genres which has been started in 2002 on the platform ton.art.project (www.haydnpianotrio.com/tonartproject).
The Trio is „Ensemble in Residence“
of the newly founded Haydn Festival Goyang/Korea and will from March
2012 hold a four-part concert series at the Haydn Festival Eisenstadt
at Schloß Esterházy in Eisenstadt.
Harald Kosik - service@haraldkosik.com
0043 (0) 699 120 29 139 - Buchfeldgasse
13/6, 1080 Wien, Austria
Retrospect Haydn Trio Eisenstadt
Founded by Harald Kosik, Hannes Gradwohl and Bernd Gradwohl in 1992, the ensemble has received instructions in the chamber music class of the Vienna Academy of Music under Georg Ebert and Avedis Kouyoumdjian, and participated in master classes given by the Trio di Trieste. In 1994, the renowned Accademia Chigiana in Siena bestowed on the Haydn Trio Eisenstadt the Honorary Diploma for “best piano trio” and an award for “the best foreign contribution” of the entire festival. This distinction led to their being admitted to the Scuola Internazionale di Musica da Camera del Trio di Trieste which the ensemble attended for two years. Since 1995 the Haydn Trio Eisenstadt has presented the exclusive concert cycle named “The Piano Trio” at the Haydn Festival Eisenstadt held at the Haydn Hall at the Esterhazy Castle. The cycle features all 39 piano trios by Joseph Haydn as well as principal works of the piano trio literature.
Since 1997 the violin part was taken
by violinist Verena Stourzh.
Since its founding in 1992 the Haydn
Trio Eisenstadt had been focusing on the Haydn-Year 2009, the bicentenary
of Joseph Haydns death. In that year 2009 the Ensemble toured around
the globe as musical embassadors of Joseph Haydns home region
and performed 158 concerts. Within 2009 all artistic projects of the
Trio had been completed.
Supported by numerous cooperation partners and sponsors the Haydn Trio Eisenstadt presented the following recordings of works by Joseph Haydn for the bicentenary 2009:
The complete Piano Chamber Music -
39 Piano Trios, 429 Scottish Songs and all Divertimenti and Concertini
- was recorded on a total of 28 CDs at the famous Haydn Hall of Schloß
Esterházy, well-known for its brilliant acoustic.
With the composition project „D2H - DedicatedToHaydn“ (www.d2h.at) another major project was initiated within the context of the “Haydn2009”-celebrations for the Haydn Festival Eisenstadt.
Referring to Joseph Haydns famous quotation
“My language is understood throughout the world“ project manager
Harald Kosik invited 6 composers from Austria, 6 composers from other
European Countries and 6 composers from the other continents to compose
a piano trio „dedicated to Haydn“.
From October 2002 until December 2008 the Haydn Trio Eisenstadt had together with the scottish singers Lorna Anderson (soprano) and Jamie MacDougall (tenor) been working on the globally first complete presentation of all 429 Scottish Folksong Arrangements by Joseph Haydn both in concert as well as on CD.
This project was supported by numerous
sponsors and supervised by Scottish musicologist Marjorie Rycroft (University
of Glasgow). www.haydnpianotrio.com/scottishsongs
In 2002 Harald Kosik founded the plattform ton.art.project with the aim of presenting newly composed contemporary music in combination with other art-forms. www.haydnpianotrio.com/tonartproject